psim  1.0
Generalized 2D phonon transport using a Monte Carlo method
Cell Member List

This is the complete list of members for Cell, including all inherited members.

Cell(Triangle cell, Sensor &sensor, double spec=1.)Cell
findTransitionSurface(Cell &other)Cell
getArea() const noexceptCellinline
getBoundaries() const noexceptCellinline
getBoundaryLines() const noexceptCell
getEmitEnergy(double t_eq) const noexceptCell
getHeatCapacityAtFreq(std::size_t freq_index) const noexceptCellinline
getInitEnergy(double t_eq) const noexceptCell
getInitTemp() const noexceptCellinline
getMaterial() const noexceptCellinline
getMaterialID() const noexceptCellinline
getRandPoint(double r1, double r2) const noexceptCellinline
getSensorID() const noexceptCellinline
getSteadyTemp(std::size_t step=0) const noexceptCellinline
handleSurfaceCollision(Phonon &p, const Point &poi, double step_time) const noexceptCell
initialUpdate(Phonon &p, const Material::Table &table) const noexceptCellinline
initialUpdate(Phonon &p) const noexceptCellinline
Line typedefCell
operator!=(const Cell &rhs) constCell
operator<<(std::ostream &os, const Cell &cell)Cellfriend
operator==(const Cell &rhs) constCell
Point typedefCell
scatterUpdate(Phonon &p) const noexceptCellinline
setEmitSurface(const Line &line, double temp, double duration, double start_time)Cell
Triangle typedefCell
updateEmitTables() noexceptCell
updateHeatParams(const Phonon &p, std::size_t step) noexceptCell
validate(const Cell &other) constCell