psim  1.0
Generalized 2D phonon transport using a Monte Carlo method
Model Member List

This is the complete list of members for Model, including all inherited members.

addCell(Geometry::Triangle &&triangle, std::size_t sensor_ID, double spec=1.)Model
addCell(Point &&p1, Point &&p2, std::size_t sensor_ID, double spec=1.)Model
addMaterial(const std::string &material_name, const Material &material)Model
addSensor(std::size_t ID, const std::string &material_name, double t_init, Sensor::SimulationType type)Model
exportResults(const fs::path &filepath, double time) constModel
Model(std::size_t num_cells, std::size_t num_sensors, std::size_t measurement_steps, std::size_t num_phonons, double simulation_time, double t_eq, bool phasor_sim=false)Model
Point typedefModel
setEmitSurface(const Point &p1, const Point &p2, double temp, double duration, double start_time)Model
setSimulationType(SimulationType type, std::size_t step_interval=0)Model
SimulationType typedefModel