psim  1.0
Generalized 2D phonon transport using a Monte Carlo method
Surface Member List

This is the complete list of members for Surface, including all inherited members.

boundaryHandlePhonon(Phonon &p) const noexceptSurface
contains(const Point &point) const noexceptSurfaceinline
getLength() const noexceptSurfaceinline
getNormal() const noexceptSurfaceinline
getRandPoint(double r1) const noexceptSurfaceinline
getSpecularity() const noexceptSurfaceinline
getSurfaceLine() const noexceptSurfaceinline
Line typedefSurface
operator=(const Surface &)=deleteSurface
operator=(Surface &&)=deleteSurface
operator==(const Surface &rhs) constSurfaceinline
operator>(const Surface &rhs) constSurfaceinline
Point typedefSurface
redirectPhonon(Phonon &p) const noexceptSurface
setNormal(Vector2D normal) noexceptSurfaceinline
Surface(Line surface_line, Cell &cell, double specularity, int norm_sign)Surface
Surface(const Surface &)=defaultSurface
Surface(Surface &&) noexcept=defaultSurface
Vector2D typedefSurface