psim  1.0
Generalized 2D phonon transport using a Monte Carlo method
Sensor Member List

This is the complete list of members for Sensor, including all inherited members.

addToArea(double area) noexceptSensorinline
getArea() const noexceptSensorinline
getEnergies() const noexceptSensorinline
getFluxes() const noexceptSensorinline
getHeatCapacity(std::size_t step=0) const noexceptSensorinline
getHeatCapacityAtFreq(std::size_t freq_index) const noexceptSensorinline
getID() const noexceptSensorinline
getInitTemp() const noexceptSensorinline
getMaterial() const noexceptSensorinline
getSteadyTemp(std::size_t step=0) const noexceptSensorinline
initialUpdate(Phonon &p, const Material::Table &table) const noexceptSensor
initialUpdate(Phonon &p) const noexceptSensor
reset() noexceptSensor
resetRequired(double t_final, std::vector< double > &&final_temps={}) noexceptSensor
scatterUpdate(Phonon &p) const noexceptSensor
Sensor(std::size_t ID, const Material &material, SimulationType type, std::size_t num_measurements, double t_init)Sensor
SimulationType enum nameSensor
updateHeatParams(const Phonon &p, std::size_t step) noexceptSensor